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Angela Nguyen, PharmD Fairview Home Infusion | R. May O’Donnell, MS Fairview Pharmacy Services | C. Brett Benfield PharmD, MS, FNHIA Fairview Infusion Consulting Services | Marrea Peters, PharmD Fairview Home Infusion | Alicia L. Zagel, PhD, MPH Fairview Pharmacy Services

Oncology infusions are a cornerstone of cancer treatment, often administered in hospitalbased outpatient departments (HOPDs) due to the controlled environment they offer. However, with the rise of patient-centered care and…
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Katherine Yang, PharmD, BCPS | Wendy Morimoto, PharmD | Kristina Wong, PharmD | Mehrnaz Zahiri, PharmD | Meredith Silverman, MD

This study evaluates the cost differences between administering and monitoring vancomycin and daptomycin in a home infusion pharmacy (HIP) setting. Both antibiotics are widely used for treating methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other gram-positive infections in outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy (OPAT), but vancomycin requires more intensive therapeutic monitoring than daptomycin. The…
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Michelle C. Simpson, PharmD, BCSCP, MWC | David Vermeulen, PharmD, MS | Danell Haines, PhD

Specialty infusion and injection medications are key growth areas in home infusion services. According to the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA), over 315,000 specialty patients were served by home infusion pharmacies in 2019, with specialty infusions consistently representing approximately 10% of total patients. Despite the well-documented positive impact of specialty pharmacists on clinical and non-clinical patient…
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Barbara McElroy, MSN, CRNI®, VA-BC™ Infusion Nursing Consultant | Danell Haines, PhD Research Consultant | Jennifer Charron RN, MSN, MBA National Home Infusion Association

The Infusion Nurses Society recommends selecting the optimal vascular access device (VAD) for the therapy plan. These recommendations are primarily driven to identify peripheral vs. central vascular access based on infusate properties, the frequency and duration of infusions, unique patient features, and resources available. The objectives of…
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Johanna Bezjak, PharmD, BCNSP CarepathRx | Kayla Szabo PharmD, BCNSP CarepathRx | Rebecca Tokarski PharmD, BCNSP CarepathRx

The total number of home parenteral nutrition patients in the United States grew steadily from 2011-2015 based on data from the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition National Patient Registry for Nutrition Care. In the absence of an active national registry, some sources estimate 40,000 patients in the U.S. are prescribed home parenteral…
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Danell Haines, PhD Research Consultant | Jeannie Counce, FNHIA NHIA | Jennifer Charron RN, MSN, MBA NHIA

Home infusion nursing involves caring for complex patients, thus incorporates clinical training from a variety of practice settings and requires skills and competence often recognized through certifications and past nursing experience. There is a void in research that describes the experience, education, and credentials specific to home infusion nurses. Therefore, the objective of this…
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Vy Dang Karp, PharmD, BCSCP Optum Infusion Services | Eunjung Kim, PharmD, BCSCP Optum Infusion Services | Lisa Schrade, PharmD Optum Infusion Services | Nidhi Thaker-Mehta, PharmD Optum Infusion Services

Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive coagulation disorder which is characterized by factor VIII deficiency….
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Julia K. Nguyen, PharmD Kaiser Permanente, Southern California Home Infusion Pharmacy | Rulin Hechter, MD, PhD, MS Kaiser Permanente, Department of Research and Evaluation, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine, Department of Health Systems Science | Deborah Ling Grant, PhD, MPH, MBA Kaiser Permanente Department of Research and Evaluation, Southern California Permanente Medical Group | Jiaxiao Shi, PhD Kaiser Permanente Department of Research and Evaluation,…
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Claire Meredith, PharmD, CarepathRx | Leita Frey, PharmD, BCPS, CarepathRx, | Shelby George, PharmD, CarepathRx | Megan K. Zielke, PharmD, BCCCP, CarepathRx

Vancomycin is widely used to treat gram-positive infections. Vancomycin therapy is accompanied by the clinical monitoring of trough levels in order to maintain therapeutic efficacy and patient safety….
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Danell Haines, PhD, Research Consultant

Home infusion is a site of care (SOC) option for patients requiring intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous (SC) medications for treatment of acute and chronic medical conditions….
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Jennifer Zhao, Johns Hopkins Care at Home; Brian Sherman, RN, Johns Hopkins Care at Home; Ashley McCracken, PharmD, MBA, Johns Hopkins Care at Home; Stephanie Watkins, RN, Johns Hopkins Care at Home; Kristopher Rusinko, PharmD, PhD, MBA, MEd, MS, Johns Hopkins Care at Home

A productivity metric that infusion sites measure to gauge operations is chair capacity, which is a direct reflection of physical chair utilization based on the inputs of…
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Nicholas Panchak, PharmD, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Health Services; Ryan McFarland, PharmD, University of Minnesota-Duluth College of Pharmacy; Jessica Das, PharmD, BCPS, Fairview Health Services; Alicia Zagel, PhD, MPH, Fairview Health Services; Jennifer Ross, PharmD, BCIDP, University of Minnesota Medical Center Fairview Health Services

Beta-lactam-induced neutropenia (BLIN) is a serious adverse reaction associated with extended treatment courses. For many severe infections, guideline-directed medical therapy frequently involves weeks or months…
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The Foundation has adopted the Poster Session at the NHIA Annual Conference as part of its efforts to advance NHIF’s mission of promoting investigator-initiated research related to home and alternate infusion. NHIF awards a $1000 scholarship to a poster that exemplifies an innovative approach to addressing current challenges in home infusion and has the possibility of further development….
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Kassie Klasen, PharmD Fairview Pharmacy Services; Alicia Zagel, PhD, MPH Fairview Pharmacy Services; Mary Nelson, PharmD Fairview Pharmacy Services; Eric Betzold, MS Fairview Pharmacy Services; Brett Benfield, PharmD, MS, FNHIA Fairview Pharmacy Services

Health disparities have been exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic…
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Amy Mulgrew, RN, CRNI, IgCN, VA-BC, Advanced Infusion Care; Ashley McKenna, RN, IgCN, Advanced Infusion Care; Erin Mullis, RN, IgCN, Advanced Infusion Care

A literature review was conducted to evaluate the comparative rate of effectiveness, treatment failure due to adverse event (ADE), patient satisfaction, antimicrobial stewardship concerns, and potential cost comparisons of daptomycin and vancomycin….
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Daniel Decker, PharmD, MBA, BCACP, Option Care Health

A literature review was conducted to evaluate the comparative rate of effectiveness, treatment failure due to adverse event (ADE), patient satisfaction, antimicrobial stewardship concerns, and potential cost comparisons of daptomycin and vancomycin….
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Rohae Musa, PharmD, Option Care Health; Maria Giannakos, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCSCP, Option Care Health; Suzanne Kluge, B.S. Pharm, MBA, RPh, BCSCP, FNHIA, Option Care Health

The study assessed the safety of natalizumab administration by comparing outcomes after receiving natalizumab infusions at home vs. infusion suites….
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Danell Haines, PhD, Research Consultant; Ryan Garst, PharmD, MBA, IgCP, BCSCP, NHIA

Determine the home infusion pharmacist’s time commitment to tasks involved with onboarding a home infusion patient….
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Sofia Shrestha, PharmD, CSP, Fairview Home Infusion; Dana Simonson, PharmD, BCPS, Fairview Pharmacy Services; Alicia Zagel, PhD, MPH, Fairview Pharmacy Services

Measure the incidence and severity of infusion-related reactions in patients receiving ocrelizumab administered in both hospital-based and outpatient sites of care….
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Danell Haines, PhD Research Consultant; Ryan Garst, PharmD, MBA, IgCP, BCSCP, NHIA

NHIF retrospectively collected and analyzed data from the REGEN-COV patient charts. Data analysis showed that home infused REGENCOV achieved comparable outcomes to other sites of care and provided improved access to treatment….
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Mark Wiencek, PhD, Contec, Inc.; Michael Bedenbaugh, PharmD, MBA, MS, Intramed Plus, Inc.; Lauren Pernot, BS, Contec, Inc.; Kate Douglass, MS, RN; Cognitive Design Associates

It is best practice to wipe down surfaces of supplies such as intravenous (IV) bags and vials packaged in cardboard boxes with a disinfectant before bringing the supplies into classified areas of a clean room. Effective decontamination of hazardous drug residues on containers such as IV bags may…
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Cheyenne Johnson, PharmD, Option Care Health; Daniel Decker, PharmD, MBA, BCACP, Option Care Health; Maria Giannakos, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, BCSCP, Option Care Health

Patients treated with intravenous (IV) vancomycin in the hospital often require outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) after discharge for the continuation of therapy. Despite vigilant monitoring, nephrotoxicity is a common adverse drug event associated with vancomycin in the home infusion setting….
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Danell Haines, PhD, Research Consultant; Connie Sullivan, BSPharm, NHIA; Jennifer Charron, RN, MSN, MBA, NHIA

Patients in the 65+ age group and those receiving outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) in the home setting are increasing. There is a void in research that investigates OPAT satisfaction and outcomes in the 65+ age group. To better serve the home infusion needs of this population, an investigation of the patient’s OPAT success rate and understanding of…
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Danell Haines, PhD, Research Consultant; Ryan Garst, PharmD, MBA, IgCP, BCSCP, NHIA; Connie Sullivan, BSPharm, NHIA; Jennifer Charron, RN, MSN, MBA, NHIA

Pharmacist professional services are paramount to the success of the home infusion process. Using home infusion pharmacist time utilization data collected in this study, the amount of time the home infusion pharmacist spends managing and caring for the patient was determined. The categories of professional services the pharmacist provides and…
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Steven Ward, WellSky; Bill Noyes, NHIA; Connie Sullivan, BSPharm, NHIA; Danell Haines, PhD, Research Consultant

Approximately 15% of the U.S. population lives in rural areas. It is recognized that rural Americans have fewer health care opportunities when compared to metropolitan residents. This study aimed to determine the annual percentage of home infusion patients living and receiving home infusion services in rural areas….
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Mary Beth Letourneau, PharmD, New England Life Care; Erica Sievert, PharmD, New England Life Care; Amy MacInnis, PharmD, New England Life Care

Patients who administer chronic parenteral diphenhydramine are at risk of developing behavioral issues that may represent misuse or abuse. The purpose of this study was to assess potential risk factors and comorbidities for medication noncompliance in the home infusion patient population prescribed parenteral diphenhydramine….

A Retrospective Descriptive Study of Remdesivir Treatment in the Home or Outpatient Setting Among Adult Patients Diagnosed with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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Julia K. Nguyen, PharmD Kaiser Permanente, Southern California Home Infusion Pharmacy | Rulin Hechter, MD, PhD, MS Kaiser Permanente, Department of Research and Evaluation, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine, Department of Health Systems Science |

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Successful Transition from Subcutaneous Immune Globulin (SCIG) Therapy to Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) Therapy in Primary Immunodeficiency: A Case Report

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Amy Mulgrew, RN, CRNI, IgCN, VA-BC, Advanced Infusion Care; Ashley McKenna, RN, IgCN, Advanced Infusion Care; Erin Mullis, RN, IgCN, Advanced Infusion Care

A literature review was conducted to evaluate the comparative rate of effectiveness, treatment failure due to adverse event (ADE), patient satisfaction, antimicrobial

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