About NHIA > Board of directors

Board of directors

NHIA Officers & Executive Committee

John Rademacher
Option Care Health
Bannockburn, IL

Vice Chair
Gregory LoPresti
Upstate HomeCare
Clinton, NY

Second Vice Chair
Frank Esposito
Deputy COO
Edison, NJ

Board Tresurer
Bob Calway
President and CEO
New England Life Care
Wodburn, MA

Past Chair
Tim Affeldt
Vice President of Specialty/Infusion Operations
Fairview Pharmacy Services
Minneapolis, MN

Joseph Owen

Executive Director
Mt. Prospect, IL

Connie Sullivan
President and CEO
National Home Infusion Association
Alexandria, VA

NHIA Board Members

Paul Jardina
Olathe, KS

Rowena Birnel
Infusion Solutions Inc.
Bellingham, WA

Noah Franz (interim member)
Director of Pharmacy
Froedtert Health Pharmacy Solutions
Brookfield, WI

Kathleen Patrick
Chartwell Pennsylvania, LP
Oakdale, PA

Todd Pledger
Director of Operations & Pharmacy Services
Harbin Clinic, LLC
Rome, GA

Drew Walk
Soleo Health
Carrollton, TX

Melinda Silolahti
Senior Vice President of Revenue Cycle Management and Managed Care Contracting
Amerita, Inc.
Centennial, CO

Leena Samuel
Director of Pharmacy Operations
Paragon Healthcare Inc.
Dallas, TX

Tim Smith
General Manager/ COO
Premier Infusion Care
Torrance, CA

Chad Hatfield
Chief Pharmacy Officer
UC Davis Health
Chapel Hill, NC

Andrew Voss
OptumRx Infusion


Article I
Name and Purposes

a. The name of the organization is the National Home Infusion Association.

a. To represent the professional and proprietary interests of the nation’s home and specialty infusion providers.

b. To be an active political advocate on legislative and regulatory issues affecting home and specialty infusion providers.

c. To promote and assist in the development of the highest standards of quality, safe, and cost-effective patient care.

d. To bring home and specialty infusion providers information and educational programs on technological advances, marketing and management, business expansion, new products and services, clinical skills, reimbursement and other aspects of home and infusion business and practice.

e. To assist in bringing infusion therapy services to more eligible patients, increasing their quality of life and reducing health care costs.

f. To serve as a national information resource and clearinghouse for NHIA members.

g. To act as the liaison for the home and specialty infusion industry with allied health professions.

Article II
Principal Office

The principal office of the National Home Infusion Association is located at 1600 Duke St. #410, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.

The Association may have other such office or offices at a suitable place or places, as its business requires.

Article III

a. Members of this Association shall be providers, facilities, manufacturers, suppliers, service companies, associations, academics, students and others who provide, seek to provide, assist in, or are associated with the provision of home and specialty infusion therapy services.


An organization that is a licensed pharmacy accredited for home or alternate site infusion services through a nationally recognized program and actively engaged in the provision of infusion therapies is eligible for membership as an NHIA Infusion Pharmacy Member.


A company that supplies manufacturing, wholesale, distribution, reimbursement, consulting services or is otherwise engaged in a business that supports or enhances alternate site infusion therapy practice is eligible for NHIA Supplier Membership.


A  self-employed individual operating as a singular consultant to businesses in the alternate site infusion field not otherwise qualified for membership is eligible for NHIA Individual Consulting Practice Affiliate Membership (Please Note: All other consulting practices fall under the Business Firm Affiliate Membership).


Other professional associations representing individuals, patient advocacy groups and or businesses involved in providing or supporting alternate site infusion therapy services are eligible for NHIA Association Membership.


An individual or entity not otherwise qualified for membership in any of the above categories that has a vested interest in advancing home or alternate site infusion therapy practice is eligible for NHIA Affiliate Membership upon review and approval of the CEO.


Full time academic staff at pharmacy schools who are not otherwise involved in providing infusion services directly to patients are eligible for NHIA Academic Membership.


Full-time pharmacy, nursing, or other students who are interested in alternate site infusion therapy are eligible for NHIA Student Membership.


Any corporate entity that supplies services to the home infusion industry by performing in-home nursing support for patients of home infusion providers.

A membership shall terminate whenever the Board of Directors, or a committee or person authorized by the Board, in good faith, determines that any of the following events have occurred:

a. Resignation of a member.

b. Non-payment of correct dues.

c. Unwillingness of a member to subscribe to the purposes of the Association or for any cause, (including conduct, which reflects adversely in a material way upon the Association’s reputation). In the event this occurs, the Board of Directors may, by a two-thirds (12) vote, terminate the membership. Once the member is notified of termination, the company has 30 days to file an appeal with the NHIA Board of Director.

Article IV
Membership Dues

Annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Association. The Board, by a two-thirds (12) vote may levy such additional membership assessments as necessary to carry out the activities of the Association. The Association’s dues cycle is a one-year membership based on membership anniversary date.

Article V
Meetings of the Membership

The annual meeting of the membership shall be held at a location designated in the notice of the meeting. Written notice of the annual meeting shall be sent no less than 30 days prior to said meeting. Such notice shall state the place, date, time, and purpose of the meeting.

At each annual meeting there shall be an introduction of Officers and Directors who have been elected to fill positions left by Directors whose terms have expired and such other business as may properly come before the meeting of the membership.

Article VI
Board of Directors

The corporate powers, business affairs, and property of the Association shall be governed and controlled by a Board of Directors.

All Directors shall be elected to serve a three (3) year term and may be re-elected for one additional three-year term. The terms of Directors shall be staggered in order to provide continuity. The Past Chair does not have a term and serves as a voting member of the Board until the current Chair becomes the Past Chair. Board members elected to serve in an officer position may have their terms extended.

The number of Directors shall not exceed seventeen (17), including Officers. The number of Directors may be adjusted by a two-thirds (12) vote of the Directors.


Board of Directors will consist of at least sixteen (16) representatives of NHIA provider members, and the Past Chair for a total of seventeen (17) Directors. The NHIA President shall serve as a non-voting member of the Board. Board appointments are by company. Once appointed the company can identify its representative.

The sixteen (16) elected Board of Directors will be balanced to reflect the Association’s provider membership base with four (4) representatives coming from each of the following categories;

  • National provider, defined as a multi-site organization with 20 or more locations.
  • Community provider, defined as an independently owned company with up to 6 locations in contiguous states.
  • Hospital provider, defined as a provider that is wholly owned and operated as part of an acute care system.
  • At-large members may include any type of provider.

A Board position may be extended beyond the two-term limit if necessary to maintain the balance representation on the Board.

Each year the Chair of the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee that shall nominate candidates to the Board of Directors. Nominations from the Committee must then be elected by two-thirds (12) of the Board at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Election results shall be announced at the Annual Meeting and the Directors shall assume their duties following the close of the Annual Meeting.

Should vacancies occur in the Board of Directors during a term of office, the Chair of the Board of Directors shall accept recommendations from the Board as to a candidate to fill the unexpired term. Such nominations must then be elected by a two-thirds (12) of the Board of Directors.

It shall be the duty of each Director to keep informed about the affairs of the Association, attend meetings, participate, vote on matters involving the Association, and comply with the NHIA Recitation of Responsibilities. Each year Board members must attend at least 75 percent of the Board meetings unless special circumstances exists.

Any director, elected or appointed may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of the Association shall be served. Such removal shall require a two-thirds (12) vote of all Directors of the Board.

Article VII
Executive Committee

The Chair of the Board will appoint an Executive Committee consisting of seven (7) representatives including the five (5) Board officers, one additional Board member, and the NHIA President. The members of the Executive Committee shall be appointed for a one year renewable term. The NHIA President shall serve as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall assist in the management of the Association between meetings of the Board of Directors and shall report to the Board of Directors on its activities. The Executive Committee will have the power to act for the Board of Directors to the fullest extent permitted in the bylaws. Actions that would require full Board approval include:

a. Official positions on legislation

b. Board nominations or filling any board seat that becomes vacant

c. Any action that would impact the strategic direction of the Association

d. Any decision that would materially impact or change the financial results of the Association in comparison to the board approved budget or incurring additional indebtedness

e. Any decision where the Executive Committee wishes to take action against the advice of the President

f. Any personnel action involving the President of the Association

g. Actions that the Chair recommends need full Board approval

h. Actions that the President feels need full Board approval

a. Regular Meetings: The Executive Committee shall meet on a regular basis with the schedule to be determined by the Chair.

b. Notice of Meetings: The Executive Committee shall receive at least seven (7) days prior notice for regularly scheduled meetings.

c. Quorum: A majority of the voting members of the Executive committee shall constitute a quorum.

d. Voting: All substantive actions of the Executive Committee shall be communicated to the Board of Directors as soon as possible by the Chair.

Article VIII
Meetings of the Board of Directors

The meetings of the Board shall be at the principal office of the corporation or at any place that the Board may designate. Board meetings may also be held via teleconference, audio/video conference, and other forms of electronic communication.

The Board shall meet at least quarterly (four times per year).

Board members shall receive at least seven days prior notice for regularly scheduled meetings.

Board meetings shall be held on a date selected by the Chair of the Board.

Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chair of the Board or at the request of a simple majority of the Board members.

At all meetings of the Board, a simple majority of the Directors then in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. When a quorum is once present to organize the meeting, it is not broken by the subsequent withdrawal of any of those present and a meeting may be adjourned despite the absence of a quorum.

Once a quorum is established at a Board meeting any vote taken requires approval of at least a simple majority of the Board members present unless it is the type of vote that the bylaws requires two thirds (12) of the entire Board to approve.

Article IX

The Officers of the Board of Directors shall be Chair, Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Past Chair of the Board.

All officers shall serve a one-year term of office and may be re-elected for one additional term in a particular position.

The Chair of the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee that shall nominate candidates for officers of the Board of Directors. Nominations from the Committee must then be elected by a two-thirds (12) of the Board of Directors at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Election results shall be announced at the Annual Meeting and the Officers shall assume their duties prior to the close of the Annual Meeting.

Should Officer vacancies occur during a term of office, the Chair of the Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee that shall nominate candidates to fill the unexpired term. Such nominations must also then be elected by a two-thirds (12) of the Board of Directors.

The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

a. Chair:

The Chair of the Board shall be the principal elected Officer of the Association.

The Chair of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee. The Chair of the Board shall be an ex-officio member of all other standing and special committees of the Association and appoint members to such committees, subject to confirmation of the Board of Directors.

The Chair of the Board shall have the authority to appoint Ad Hoc Committees as needed. The composition, purpose, and activities of Ad Hoc committees shall be documented in board meeting minutes.

The Chair of the Board’s term shall last one (1) year, and may be re-elected for one additional term at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

b. Vice Chair:

The Vice Chair of the Board shall be the second ranking Officer of the Association and in the absence or disability of the Chair of the Board, the Vice Chair of the Board shall exercise all of the Chair of the Board functions as described in these bylaws. The Vice Chair of the Board shall assume the office of Chair of the Board in the event of resignation of the Chair of the Board or other vacancy of that office.

c. Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall oversee all funds and securities of the Association and shall perform other duties as the Board may direct related to the fiscal management of the organization.

d. Second Vice Chair:

The Second Vice Chair shall keep or cause to be kept at the principal office of the Association or such other places as the Board of Directors may order:

1. Minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the membership

2. Shall perform other duties as the Board may direct or as may be required by law.

e. Past Chair of the Board:

After completion of his or her term, the Chair of the Board shall remain on the Board of Directors as a voting member in the office of Past Chair of the Board until the newly elected Chair moves into that seat. The Past Chair will serve as the Chair of the Board Nominating Committee.

Upon final completion of his or her term on the board of directors, the Chair of the Board shall carry the title of Past Chair of the Board.

f. President:

The NHIA President shall be responsible for the management, supervision, and direction of the operations of the NHIA headquarters office under authority delegated by the Board of Directors to implement Association programs and policies. The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors, without voting privileges, and shall receive such compensation as the Board of Directors determines.

Any officer, elected or appointed, may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of the Association shall be served. Such removal shall require a two-thirds (12) vote of all Directors of the Board.

Article X
Committees and Interest Groups

Representatives from Association members willing and able to comply with a NHIA Recitation of Responsibilities are eligible to serve on Association Committees. Representatives from Association members are also eligible to serve on Association Interest Groups.

The Board of Directors shall establish and set the mission for standing Committees consisting of representatives from member organizations and Association staff. Through the leadership of individuals serving on such Committees, the Committees will help fulfill the Association’s strategic objectives in serving its membership. The Board of Directors may create new Committees, modify Committee missions and dissolve standing Committees so as to keep Committees aligned with NHIA strategic objectives and changes in the field. Standing Member Committees, their missions, and membership will be made available to the public.

The Chair of the Board may create Ad Hoc Committees as needed. The composition, purpose, and activities of Ad Hoc committees shall be documented in board meeting minutes.

a. The Chair of the Board may create special Board Advisory Committees as needed. The composition, purpose and activities of such committees shall be determined by the Board.

b. Any number of Directors may be members of a Board Advisory Committee.

c. At least one NHIA staff representative will be assigned as a liaison to any Board Advisory Committee.

The NHIA CEO or Chair of the Board may establish ad hoc Interest Groups to meet critical objectives of the association in response to changes in the field and report such establishment to the Board.

Article XI
Contracts, Checks, Deposits, and Funds

The Board Directors may authorize any Officer or Officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Association, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of the Association shall be signed by such Officer or Officers, agent or agents, of the Association in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.

All funds of the Association not otherwise employed shall be deposited to the credit of the Association in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Board of Directors may select, or as may be designated by any Officer or Officers, agent or agents of the Association to whom such power may be delegated by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors or any Officer or Officers may accept on behalf of the Association any contribution, gift, bequest, or device for the furtherance of the general goals of the corporation.

The accounts of the Association will be audited on a yearly basis (or on an alternate schedule, as approved by the Board, due to special circumstances) by a reputable Certified Public Accountant, whose report shall be submitted to the Board of Directors.

The fiscal year for the Association will run from January 1 through December 31 of each year (a “Calendar Year”).

At the direction of the Board, any Officer or employee of the Association shall be bonded. The Association shall pay the expense of furnishing such bond.

In the event of liquidation of the corporation, whether voluntary, involuntarily, or by operation of law, the remaining assets of the Association shall be applied to repayment of outstanding obligations, as determined by a two-thirds (12) vote of the Board of Directors. Any funds remaining after such disposition shall also be distributed based upon a two-thirds (12) vote of the Board of Directors.

Article XII
Notice and Time Requirement

In any case when notice to the Directors is required or permitted, the notice shall be in writing or printed. When mailed, the notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States Mail address to the Director at his address as it appears on the records of the corporation. When delivered personally or by hand, the notice shall be deemed delivered when actually received by the Director.

Whenever under the provision of law or these Bylaws, the Board or any committee thereof is authorized to take any action after notice to any person or persons or after the lapse of a prescribed period of time, if at any time before or after such a person entitled to such action is completed, the person entitled to such notice or entitled to participate in the action to be taken submits a signed waiver of notice of such requirement.

Article XIII

The Association may have a seal in the appropriate form, which seal, if one is desired, shall be kept by the Secretary and which may be affixed to formal documents executed in the name of the Association seal is customarily affixed.

Article XIV

The process for making amendments, alterations, or repeals (“amendments”) to the bylaws shall be as follows:

Notice of proposed amendment shall be provided as part of a regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors and the proposed amendment shall be read at that meeting. Amendments to the bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds (12) vote of the board of directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors that occurs following the reading of the proposed amendment.