NHIF Offers Benchmarking Guides

The purpose of NHIF’s Benchmarking Program is to collect industry-wide, standardized data to establish a national reference point for performance and clinical metrics to improve the quality and efficiency of patient care.

NHIF Virtual Wellness Challenge

Join NHIF as we Infuse Wellness during the month of September.

100% of the proceeds  go to supporting the NHIF’s research initiatives and support of excellence in the infusion industry.

Lynn Giglione Women in Leadership Award

The Lynn Giglione Women in Leadership Award recognizes and honors trail-blazing and emerging women leaders who have demonstrated exemplary service to patients and their peers while promoting the mission of the NHIF.


Contribute to our peer-reviewed, scholarly publication that features independent original research and studies on the effects of infusion therapies.


NHIF Announces Finalists for 2025 Outstanding Abstract Achievement Award

The National Home Infusion Foundation (NHIF) announces the finalists for its Outstanding Abstract Achievement Award for 2025. The authors of the following 5 poster abstracts will present an overview of their research project and summarize their findings during a special clinical webinar and a panel of judges will select the award recipient.

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Home Infusion Patient Satisfaction at an All-Time High

In 2017, the National Home Infusion Foundation (NHIF) took the lead in developing the validated and standardized Uniform Patient Satisfaction Survey for Home Infusion Providers. While satisfaction scores have been stellar across 5 years of survey data from more than 43,000 patients, patient satisfaction with home infusion services reached an all-time high in 2023.

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About NHIF

Founded in 2012, NHIF is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 affiliate of the National Home Infusion Association with a mission to elevate the infusion profession and ensure the delivery of high quality patient care. NHIF compliments the advocacy work of NHIA by funding and administering programs that prove the safety, quality, and value of infusion services.

Home and alternate site infusion is a $19 billion industry serving more than 3.2 million patients annually.

NHIF announced the winner of the 2024 Outstanding Abstract Achievement Award, Yoselin Flores, a PGY-1 Resident at Option Care Health