About Home Infusion > NHIA Home Infusion Drug List

Home Infusion Drug List

The National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) Home Infusion Drug List contains the names and therapeutic categories of drugs that were compiled from medication dispensing reports submitted by home infusion providers and reflects current prescribing practices in the United States. The National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) Home Infusion Drug List may serve as a reference for decisions related to the site of care for administering drugs requiring intravenous or subcutaneous infusion.

This reference only lists prescribed drugs and does not endorse home infusion for patients who do not meet the criteria for safe administration in the home or alternate site of care. NHIA members and other practitioners using the list should exercise independent judgment and provide the patient with a choice in their site of care decision based on their individual situation. Additionally, not all home infusion providers offer every medication included on the list. Providers may specialize and only offer certain therapies.  

The NHIA Home Infusion Drug List was developed collaboratively by NHIA staff and member volunteers comprised of pharmacists, nurses, and other professionals with extensive experience and expertise in the field of home infusion. The NHIA Quality and Standards Committee reviewed the list by category and drugs included for accuracy. The category selected for each medication was based on the chemical form of the active ingredient, the clinical use for a particular diagnosis, and/or the corresponding per diem where applicable. The committee members made recommendations that were incorporated prior to finalizing and approving the list and communication materials. 

NHIA members can access the list by logging into their member account. 

Supplementary Information

The NHIA Home Infusion Drug list identifies which drugs may qualify for coverage under Medicare Part B DMEPOS  or Local A/B MAC policies. The list also identifies whether a drug is a biosimilar or requires special handling.

Comments/Suggest a Revision

NHIA welcomes feedback and suggestions for content to incorporate into future revisions and editions. These are reviewed during monthly NHIA committee meetings where revisions are incorporated based on consensus. Suggest a revision.

NHIA members are U.S. licensed pharmacies with special expertise in providing assessments, care coordination, and professional services required to safely furnish infused drugs in the home and alternate settings. Home infusion is a service that employs a multidisciplinary team of clinicians to coordinate the sterile preparation and administration of medically necessary infused drugs to patients with acute and chronic medical conditions.  

Revision History

September 23, 2024


  • Cefepime-Enmetazobactam (Exblifep®)
  • Ceftobiprole Medocaril (Zevtera™)
  • Sulbactam-Durlobactam (Xacduro®)
  • Factor IX Antihemophilic (Idelvion®)
  • Factor VIII Antihemophilic (Hemlibra®)
  • Factor VIII/von Willebrand Factor (Wilate®)
  • Filgrastim-txid (Nypozi™)
  • Immune Globulin Intravenous-stwk (Alyglo™)
  • Immune Globulin Intravenous (Flebogamma®)
  • Immune Globulin Intravenous-dira (Yimmugo™)
  • Eculizumab-aagh (Epysqli®)
  • Tocilizumab-aazg (Tyenne®)
  • Trastuzumab-stuf (Hercessi™)
  • Ustekinumab-aekn (Selarsdi™)
  • Ustekinumab-ttwe (Pyzchiva®)



  • Factor IX Antihemophilic (Mononine®)
    Factor IX Antihemophilic (Proplex®)
    Factor VIII Antihemophilic (Kogenate®)
    Factor VIII Antihemophilic (Monoclate-P®)



  • Coagulation Factor Xa Recombinant, Inactivated-zhzo (Andexxa®) | Recategorization
  • Caplacizumab-yhdp (Cablivi®) | Recategorization
  • Von Willebrand Factor Recombinant (Vonvendi®) | Drug name
  • Factor VIII/von Willebrand Factor (Humate-P®) | Drug name