6 Issues Each Year

Strategic and real-world, highly practical information designed to assist infusion and specialty therapy professionals and organizations in providing high-quality, cost-effective infusion care to home-based patients.

Looking to earn Continuing education credits (ce)

INFUSION magazine is the official publication of the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA), reaching key decision makers within the home and specialty infusion market. The magazine covers topics of interest to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, nurses, marketing and reimbursement specialists, physicians, case managers, CEOs and other senior management.

Our current issue focuses on sterile compounding:

  • USP <797> Revisions 1 Year Later
  • Preparing CSPs Outside the Clean Room
  • cGMP Concepts for Home Infusion Compounding
  • Plus … Techs as Designated People
    And more!

Me, write for INFUSION?

Ever thought of sharing your experiences or expertise with your colleagues? The home infusion provider and supplier community offers a broad body of knowledge that NHIA would like to tap further.

If you have information, opinions, or lessons learned that you think would benefit the home and specialty infusion field, please consider sharing them by authoring an article for INFUSION magazine. If you’re worried about writing, don’t be—it’s your know-how that’s important, we’ll take care of the rest.

INFUSION Writers' Guidelines

INFUSION welcomes the submission of manuscripts for publication by alternate-site infusion therapy professionals and others active in and/or knowledgeable in this field. When submitting a manuscript, please heed the following guidelines.

General Guidelines and Editorial Process

  • Your manuscript should be relevant to home and alternate site-infusion therapy practice. If your manuscript is focused primarily on other practice settings, please explicitly specify how your manuscript is relevant to the practice of alternate-site I.V. therapy.
  • Your manuscript should be practical in nature and address the informational needs of a diverse audience of providers and referral sources. Our readers include infusion owner/managers, pharmacists, nurses, physicians, case managers, CFOs, COOs, and reimbursement and operations specialists. Relevant subject matter may include legal, business, operational, reimbursement, clinical, financial, marketing, and other areas of interest to infusion therapy providers.
  • We welcome case studies, however, please be careful not to draw sweeping conclusions based on an individual case or small sample.
  • Please include footnotes and a complete bibliography. If your document is not footnoted, please provide references for additional reading.
  • Minimum manuscript length is typically 1,500 to 1,800 words. Please communicate clearly and concisely. If you must exceed this word count, know that your story may be edited for length—we try our best to accommodate all material suitable for our readership.
  • If we approve your manuscript, the earliest we would publish it is 60 days from the date you submit it to us, except in rare circumstances.
  • If your manuscript has already been published in another publication, please provide us with relevant information regarding previous publication.
  • If your manuscript is clinical or technical in nature, we will send it out for review by qualified independent reviewers. If reviewers have any questions and/or comments, we provide these back to you. We may ask you to make changes to the manuscript based on comments from reviewers.
  • The Editor and/or the Infusion Editorial Advisory Group will be responsible for final decisions regarding publication of your manuscript, and will notify you as to the decision.

Style and Preparation

Everyone has their own writing style; however, the following suggestions may be helpful: 

  • Make the title short and interesting—include a "Dek" to provide further explanation if necessary
  • Try to get your readers' attention in the lead paragraph
  • Tell your readers at the outset what your manuscript is about and why it is relevant to them
  • Divide longer paragraphs into shorter ones, especially in the beginning of the manuscript
  • Use catchy or descriptive subheads to divide text and draw readers into "the story"
  • Include resources. If readers want more information on this subject, where should they go?
  • Use quotes, comparisons, and other devices when appropriate to offer the reader some perspective
  • Spell-out acronyms and abbreviations on the first use
  • For additional editorial style information, refer to theChicago Manual of Style

Things to Include

The following items are not mandatory, but consider including them to enhance your manuscript. 

  • Include a "teaser" of less than 10 words to help catch the readers' interest 
  • Curriculum Vitae (Resumé) or Biographical Sketch.Please send a curriculum vitae (C.V.) to assist us in considering your manuscript. Also include a few sentences about yourself (and your co-authors) that can be used for a short biographical sketch at the end of the published article including how readers may contact you. Be sure to include credentials (i.e., R.Ph., Pharm.D., R.N., C.R.N.I., etc.), your job title, and job location in your biographical sketch. 
  • Author Photo.A formal or informal headshot so your colleagues can recognize you. 
  • Cite all statistics, study results, clinical findings, etc. Be sure to include a full bibliographic reference (author(s), title, publication name/publisher, year, volume and issue number, and pages). 
  • Put data into tables for a clearer presentation. Be sure to: reference exhibits in the text, include a descriptive title, and include a source line when necessary. 
  • Charts and Graphs.Charts and graphs can also greatly enhance your manuscript. However, when you send charts or graphs, please also include the raw data that you used to generate these graphics. 
  • When applicable, enumerate vital information in a list format (i.e., "top 10 things to remember when shopping for new technology" or "criteria for accepting a patient to home care") 

Things to Avoid

Make your manuscript easier for your colleagues to read and understand by avoiding the following: 

  • Sexist language-for example, don't assume that all physicians are men and all nurses are women
  • Jargon that may not be understood by all readers
  • Long, involved sentences and unnecessary details
  • Passive voice
  • Bureaucratic and/or overly academic language-too much of these writing styles can mask the subject and confuse the point

Sending Your Manuscript to Us

We accept electronic files.

  • E-mail your document Subject Line: INFUSION manuscript submission