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Past Issue
Volume 1, Issue 1 | MARCH / APRIL 2022

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Steven Ward, WellSky; Bill Noyes, NHIA; Connie Sullivan, BSPharm, NHIA; Danell Haines, PhD, Research Consultant

Approximately 15% of the U.S. population lives in rural areas. It is recognized that rural Americans have fewer health care opportunities when compared to metropolitan residents. This study aimed to determine the annual percentage of home infusion patients living and receiving home infusion services in rural areas….
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Mary Beth Letourneau, PharmD, New England Life Care; Erica Sievert, PharmD, New England Life Care; Amy MacInnis, PharmD, New England Life Care

Patients who administer chronic parenteral diphenhydramine are at risk of developing behavioral issues that may represent misuse or abuse. The purpose of this study was to assess potential risk factors and comorbidities for medication noncompliance in the home infusion patient population prescribed parenteral diphenhydramine….
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Danell Haines, PhD, Research Consultant; Ryan Garst, PharmD, MBA, IgCP, BCSCP, NHIA; Connie Sullivan, BSPharm, NHIA; Jennifer Charron, RN, MSN, MBA, NHIA

Pharmacist professional services are paramount to the success of the home infusion process. Using home infusion pharmacist time utilization data collected in this study, the amount of time the home infusion pharmacist spends managing and caring for the patient was determined. The categories of professional services the pharmacist provides and…

from the editor

Michelle Simpson, PharmD, BCSCP, MWC | Editor-in-Chief, Infusion Journal

The National Home Infusion Foundation (NHIF) is pleased to introduce Infusion Journal and welcome readers to the first issue of a peer-reviewed medical journal devoted to infusion therapy. NHIF established this scholarly publication to meet the need for communicating research specific to infused medications, related clinical pathways, and operating procedures.

This publication’s mission is to share original research in infusion therapy conducted by a broad range of infusion specialists that will advance evidence-based practice and shape industry standards.

Infused medications are used to treat a wide range of conditions impacting all settings of care. Infusion continues to grow because of the reputation and enthusiasm of those who perform the services and make a difference in patients’ lives. For Infusion Journal to succeed, our readers must share with others how they solved an infusion problem or filled a gap. Meeting patients where they are opens possibilities regarding administering infusion medications in the community. These notions direct the research of the future. 

NHIF believes there is sufficient scientific content to support Infusion Journal. Infusion providers have access to extensive data and unique context, but they lacked a journal to foster the orderly communication of the information. Illustrating the unmet need for a journal specifically focused on infusion therapy, the three studies in this first issue of Infusion Journal concentrated on research in home infusion. Two of the studies were multi-center and showed that home infusion research is being performed on local and national levels. 

Infusion Journal needs you to investigate your research ideas and innovative solutions and share your results and conclusions with your peers. It is how the industry can advance infusion within the medical literature. Infusion Journal provides an outlet for communicating research in a formal and validated way. Submissions undergo editorial review followed by a double-blind peer-review evaluation of the content. The journal follows procedures 

in compliance with the highest standards for ethical publishing and requires authors to provide documentation of co-authorship work allocation and disclose conflicts of interest. 

As Editor-in-Chief, I am dedicated to publishing content that reflects the interest and needs of all professions and represents infusion research. In medicine, information is often exchanged through local meetings, conferences, small groups, and one-on-one conversations. Infusion Journal offers the opportunity to exchange ideas on a larger and more scientific scale. Maintaining rigorous standards of peer review, editorial review, selection, revision, appropriateness of cited works, publication reach, and author services is our commitment to authors and readers. I am honored to lead this initiative with a team of dedicated editors and advisors who support and encourage the mission of Infusion Journal.

If you have a patient case or idea for writing a case report or questions about submitting a manuscript to Infusion Journal, contact: infusionjournal@nhia.org.

Learn more about the journal and review information on manuscript submission.