News > Advocacy > Report: Bundling IV Supplies, Expanding Coverage to Anti-infectives Would Produce Medicare Savings

Advocacy update

Report: Bundling IV Supplies, Expanding Coverage to Anti-infectives Would Produce Medicare Savings

An independent analysis by Magnolia Market Access estimates that changes proposed by NHIA to the Preserving Patient Access to Home Infusion Act to expand Medicare Part B home infusion therapy services coverage to anti-infectives, and bundle payments for disposable supplies with the services payment would generate significant savings for Medicare. Magnolia’s estimate for the supply bundling policy is consistent with the estimate that CBO has provided a savings of approximately $400 million over 10 years. On the IV anti-infective policy, Magnolia provides 2 savings estimates based on the magnitude of patients that would migrate from hospitals to home infusion under this coverage expansion: $500 million over 10 years if 25% of patients shift to home infusion, and $1 billion over 10 years if 50% of patients shift to home infusion.

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